Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chicken Pox

My prince got chicken pox..pity him. Luckily we went to his regular paed in Bishan early soon as we spotted his chicken pox. The doctor prescribed the Zovirax medicine. After few days of staying at home he asked me 'umi, bila Adam bleh gi skolah?' Huhuhu...pity him too bored at home.. and as usual he will asked his imaginary question 'umi lepas ni nak kena horse pox pulak ke?'

Friday, September 30, 2011

New Cooking Gadget

When I was in Bishan I will make full use every single thing in the house i.e. the kitchen utensils, tools etc..I didn't have to buy new pan, wok or whatsoever unless it is a gift for my birthday from someone close to our family. One fine day my MIL came and took away her steamer (I am not complaining). I still do not see there is a need for me to get a new steamer. Until we moved to Johor Bahru we still do not have a steamer. But few days back when my prince asked me to make him this 'lepat pisang' that is when I bought this steamer from a shop-Link Me LM in Bukit Indah (thanks to Mr. Hubby for the sponsorship hehehe) . The first dish with the new steamer finished within 15 minutes..(tak sempat nak sejuk..)

Monday, June 6, 2011

One of my favourite oldies...layanzz

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May - Month of Illness!!

It started of with Adam on May Day with high fever of 40 deg. and striked panic for both umi and abi. He was then taken to the nearest hospital at 10.30pm. Lucky the doctor did not suggest for him to be admitted. After a dose of suppository, his temperature got down a little and the doctor has asked him to be monitored closely. On the 3rd of May Adam passed on his fever to Adilah. This time we just proceed to our regular clinic and the fever and flu episode last for about three weeks or more. Adam did not go to school for nearly two weeks. Adilah's flu, however, did not recovered fully and we made another visit to CA Hospital to see the paediatrician. After a week both fully recovered from fever and flu. Their abi was so sad to see both Adam and Adilah were so skinny after the fever.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Conversation Between Father and Son..

First situation

"Abi, orang tak pakai kasut tu panggil apa?" Adam asked his abi while driving him home from school.. "Orang tak pakai kasut tu panggil kaki ayam" abi replied. "Kalau kaki lembu?" he asked again...and his abi puzzled for a while and replied "ha'ah yek kenapa tak kaki kuda ke?, kaki kucing ke?..cuba tanya umi..." Uwaaaa.. pandailah soalan yang susah sumer tanya umi!!

2nd situation

"Haa kereta tu kalau kat belakang dia ada letter 'L' tu orang tu tengah belajar driving" abi explain to Adam.. "Kalau letter 'M' ke 'B'? Adam asked.. The question left unanswered with umi laughing at the back seat and abi scratching his head...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 2011 School Holiday

We went back to Kelana Jaya for a few days. The kids get to meet their cousins and they were excited especially Adam who kept asking about his kakak Syafiqah and kakak Solehah during the journey. They were joyous indeed and get to meet their another two cousins, adik Wawa and baby Aira.. and umi went for scarf shopping at Jalan Tuanku Abd Rahman, KL and whoaa it was tiring but fun..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"Umi, hantu tu apa?" My prince asked me when he heard Di Sini Ada Hantu film promo over the radio while driving him home from school. 'Not sure', I replied wanted to know his reaction. Then he announced "hantu tu ghost la umi".."Ye ke?" I asked him again. "Ye, kat tempat gelap ada ghost" he replied..Oooohhh my prince is getting bigger..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Disastrous..Sad Day



Adam is a hair-stylish today. I was busy cooking at the kitchen, when he and his little sister were upstairs playing together. I over heard the little sister screaming once a while, to my thinking..oh maybe Adam snatched something that she is playing with. Until few minutes later my little girl come running to me and saw few of her hair on the floor! Oh No! I ran upstairs and saw Adilah's hair everywhere. is a sad day for me.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

First Day at School

Macam ye ye aje

Adam's first day at school was a shock to him. Although he was reminded about school by his abi and me, the real thing was not to his expectation. The first day he was ok with no crying what so ever. Come the second day was told by his teacher that his classmate started to cry when later he follows. The third day was the worst when he cried all day until the school ended. On thursday he cried only in the morning and on the fifth day surprisingly he did not cry. Throughout the weekend whenever he woke up from sleep or nap he cried and reminded umi and abi that he does not want to go to school. Ohh it that bad? Or maybe he is too attached to his abi that his teacher nick-named him Adam-abi.